
    1. Handle court cases filed at Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Courts, District Courts, First Instance Courts.
    2. Handle appeals and complaints filed against the University of Ruhuna at the University Service.
    3. Appeals Board, the Labor Tribunal and the Human Rights Commission
    4. Coordinate and support preliminary inquiry and formal disciplinary inquiries into indiscipline academic and non-academic staff members.
    5. Coordinate and support basic and formal disciplinary inquiries into indiscipline students.
    6. Handling information requests received under the Information Act
    7. Maintaining files on lands belonging to the University of Ruhuna
    8. Legal action on land acquisition and unauthorized encroachment of land
    9. Handle legal matters related to treaties and bonds
    10. Observations and legal advices on agreement sign in-between other organizations and University of Ruhuna 
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