TP:   041-2227001  Ext.; 2144  ,041-2227002-05  Branch : Extension - 2136


    Instructions to forward applications

     Leave applications; application should submit through newly introduced Online application system.

    Dully filled prescribed application forms with necessary information should be submitted through proper channels to the Vice Chancellor through the online system.
    For academic posts/support staff posts applications

    Applications should submit through Registered Mail following the instructions of the newspaper advertisement. Copies of degree certificates/Postgraduate degree certificates should attach with the application. All applications should come through the post and non of them will not accept by hand. Closing date of the application is thoroughly emphasized.

     Bond related matters

    before the bond signing, the applicant should take the bond documents from the website or from the Branch. Dully filled bond & Agreement with the documents of sureties should be signed before the Registrar at the University.
     Stamp dues; all applicants who signed bonds should affix stamps as at the following rates.
     If a with pay Bond – stamps of Rs. 220/-
     If a No pay Bond  - Stamps of Rs. 320/-
     UPF Applications

    Applicant should submit pink color form with certified copies of ID, bank pass book without delay.

     Pension applications

    all details can be downloaded from UGC Website.

     Gratuity payments

     ETF releasement

    Applicant should submit prescribed application form with certified copies of ID, bank pass book without delay.

     Motor Vehicle Permits

    following documents are to be completed by the applicant.
    1.  Prescribed application form
    2.  Certified Copy of letter of assuming duties in the 1st appointment
    3.  Certified Copy of the letter of confirmation in the 1st appointment
    4.  Certified Copies of letters of promotions obtained up to now
    5.  Previous LC opening document
    6.  Copy of Previous permit
    7.  Previous vehicle registration documents
    8.  Certified copy of National Identity Card
     An Affidavit (if the first time application- mentioning that the applicant did not obtain any motor vehicle permit under this scheme before. OR if the applicant obtained a permit before this application - mentioning that no permit obtained after opening of LC for previous permit.
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