About Us

Director's Message
Center for international affairs (CINTA) is the international window of the University of Ruhuna to expand her ever expanding and boundless teaching, research and outreach activities through foreign collaborations. And it’s the first point of contact and also the first point of information, support and facilitation for all foreign collaborators. On the top of that, CINTA’s role expands into the extension and expose of the University of Ruhuna into the global university system, but also to provide attractive packages and attract foreign scientists, researchers and academics to the University of Ruhuna.
CINTA mandated to create new values befitting the new era and foster flexible and dynamic talented equipped academics and researchers to cope with all future challenges. Understanding all these responsibilities, CINTA switched into a fast tract move by sorting out all minor issues and streamlining its role in order to provide user friendly environment to support smooth working environment for all foreign collaborators.
With this background we cordially invite potential and interested foreign counterparts to join with the University of Ruhuna through an array of opportunities we have opened to establish collaborations through research, teaching and learning, staff exchange, interns and volunteer basis. To facilitate that we have a diverse package of faculties, departments, academics, research groups and programs, well established in a tropical, island nation that also provide a unique tropical marine and terrestrial touch any foreign visitor expect to spend their leisure time.
We have provided you a breathtaking package filled with all ingredients, Join and Let’s embark on this journey together.

Professor in Oceanography
Department of Oceanography and Marine Geology
University of Ruhuna, Matara 81000, Sri
Off 00 94 41 22 27026
Center for International Affairs (CINTA)
University of Ruhuna, Matara 81000, Sri
dcinta@admin.ruh.ac.lk, cinta@admin.ruh.ac.lk
Off 00 94 41 22 27001
Mobile. 00 94 715 169 820



e-mail thamudids@ahs.ruh.ac.lk / chamudi2006@yahoo.com

Faculty of Medicine
Tel: 0773044370